Believe it or not there are benefits to having these cigar accessories.
With a cigar stand, you can keep your cigar in a horizontal position, which allows it to burn evenly and prevents it from going out or burning too quickly.
Adding to the cigar smoking experience, cigar ashtrays allow you to rest your cigar and contain the ashes. Though they’re not an absolute requirement when smoking a cigar, they aid in creating the high-quality experience you deserve when smoking top-quality cigars.
Although cigar construction has improved over time some people still prefer to smoke their cigars with a tip, aiding in protecting the lips and mouth from the heat and smoke of the cigar. They can also prevent saliva from wetting the end of the cigar.
For the cigar aficionados we have a variety of accessories in store from elegant, branded cigar ashtrays to fun and functional, and even ones for your vehicles.