With a portfolio full of diverse, top-rated blends, Espinosa Cigars is a favored brand to turn to when you’re in the mood for something rich and satisfying. In the decade since creating his own brand and opening the La Zona cigar factory in Esteli, Nicaragua in 2012, Erik Espinosa has become one of the most popular boutique cigar makers on the market. But Erik Espinosa’s time in the cigar industry stretches way further back than just this past decade. Espinosa began his cigar career in the late 1990s as a broker for famous cigar makers like Rocky Patel and Drew Estate. Following his tenure as a broker, in 2004 he partnered up with Eddie Ortega to form EO Brands, where Espinosa would continue to learn the cigar business as well as the art of blending. Producing iconic brands like 601 and Murcielago, EO Brands proved to be a vital stepping stone for Espinosa. Espinosa’s partnership with Ortega ended in 2012, but the next step in Espinosa’s career was just getting underway. He created his own brand and his own factory, set out to make the best cigars he could, and the rest is history.